
Reform Service

Baekjo with 60 years of know-how and technology learned while producing and designing products,
promises you the best quality and reliable sink bowl replacement service.

Replaceable Sink bowls

  • A sink bowl that is designed to install a faucet.
    In addition to the main products, there are replaceable sink bowls of various sizes.
  • Depending on the specifications and other environments of the lower cabinet,
    the installation may not be suitable. Also, further consultation is may needed to determine the sink bowl.
  • New Products



SWSR850 5T

  • Main reform bowls

SWSR 850

SWSR 900

SWSR 980

SDS 850

NS 850

3D 900

Installation case

※ 교체가능 씽크볼

주로 교체가 많이 이루어지는 씽크볼 입니다. 소재나 크기 등 교체가 가능한 다른 씽크볼도 있으므로, 자세한 상담을 통해 씽크볼을 결정해보세요
→ 교체가능한 씽크볼 (메인 7종) NS850, SWSR850, SWSR900, SWSR980, MODI 85, NUEVO85, 깜뽀르테 850(5T)

How to order reform service

※ Required measurement and photo

Please provide us with the size of the currently installed sink bowl and the measurement of the countertop/lower cabinet.
With this information, we can guide you in detail on the possibility of installation, or installation methods.
If we visit the installation site without measurement, and if the site is impossible to install,
you will inevitably be charged a certain fee. So please proceed after measuring.

Sink bowl’s countertop cutout size

Measure the countertop’s cutout hole (width x length).

The whole countertop’s front-back width

Measure the countertop’s front-back width(excluding back chin, back shelf)

Lower cabinet’s left-right inner width

Measure the inner width of the lower cabinet after opening the doors.

Picture of a top view of sink bowl

Take a photo of the replacing needed sink bowl from the top view.

Picture of the whole kitchen

Picture is required to see the whole kitchen structure and lower cabinet.